Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Didn’t know some dog lovers weren’t really dog lovers.

In a nutshell:


Supposed dog lover: “I love dogs! Dogs are awesome! Dogs are the best! Look at me – I’m browsing through the dog section at PetSmart! OMG THAT DOG JUST GROWLED AT ME. STUPID DOG!! PUT AN ELECTRIC COLLAR ON IT!”


I don’t know how else to describe the situation that happened. Sure, there are a lot of irresponsible owners out there, but for the sake of defending my dog, she’s growling at you because you’re in her space, and she doesn’t like it. I don’t expect you to put an ELECTRIC COLLAR on me if you get in my space and my face clearly shows that I don’t like you there.


And for the kids running around at PetSmart:

PLEASE STOP TRYING TO PET EVERY DOG YOU SEE. And don’t give me this surprised look that my dog tries to nip at you because you run up to her in a high-pitched voice with your hand outstretched.


But I do apologize that she does that. It’s in her genes to be overprotective, but I take it on myself to try to reign it in. I’ve got a long way to go if I want to do anything social with her.


Day 1 at PetSmart:

Monday, July 11, 2011

First Post

First of all, I wonder how long I’ll be posting online.


Oops, I mean – first of all, what is this blog about? Out of thousands of blogs that are a thousand times more interesting, what could I possibly have to offer the internet audience? As I type, I’m also typing info for a project at work. This is why I was wondering how long I’ll be able to keep this up – I have a small attention span and my brain constantly likes to think. Now…whether or not it’s simple or complicated thoughts…


I digress – this blog is about my attempts to socialize my dog.


Boring? We shall see. I’m actually feeling  bit apprehensive as well as downright scared at the possibility of screwing her over the rest of her life.



Hello, my name is P[Codename: Pariah Pup – P. for short.]n. I drive my owner’s Prius when she isn’t looking. I’m actually a cute dog despite being overprotective of my family which seems like I’m being downright aggressive to most people.

Cute, right? Well, she’s cute to me. The bad thing is that P. can be considered a walking liability. This is my other fear: my dog would be taken away from me by being a menace to society. I’m not ignorant to the fact that she is very undersocialized (hence, this blog). But it will be difficult in the sense that it’s literally me and my dog against the world. …Well, me and my dog against the mind-set that we can’t and will never be able to assimilate into society despite having to face adversity and the disapproving looks of others.


I realize that I have a bleak outlook of humanity, in general, and have no faith in them. So far, my characterization is correct having experienced it first hand from work.


This is our story.